Code of Ethics

Code of Conduct
Bee (R)Evolution

The Bee R-evolution Code of Ethics consists of five main parts:

The Code of Ethics describes the core values of the Bee (R)Evolution (Bee (R)Evolution Core values), as well as the principles and standards of ethical behaviour for all Bee (R)Evolution Professionals (see definition). Compliance with these Bee (R)Evolution ethical standards of behaviour is the first of the Bee (R)Evolution (B)Evolution Core Competencies which says: "It demonstrates ethical practice: understand and consistently apply the behaviours and ethical standards of coaching".

The Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics serves to uphold the integrity of Bee (R)Evolution and the coaching profession globally:

  • Defining standards of conduct consistent with the core values and ethical principles of Bee (R)Evolution
  • Providing guidance for reflection, training and ethical decision-making processes
  • Judging and preserving Bee R-evolution coach standards through the Bee R-evolution Ethical Conduct Review (ECR) procedure
  • Offering the basis for specific training on Bee (R)Evolution Ethics within Bee (R)Evolution accredited training courses

 The Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics is applicable when a Bee (R)Evolution Professional presents himself as such, in any interaction related to coaching. This applies regardless of whether a coaching relationship has been established (see definition). This code clearly expresses the ethical obligations of the Bee (R)Evolution Professionals who act in their different roles as coach, coach supervisor, mentor coach, trainer or student coach in training, or who hold a Leadership role in the Bee (R)Evolution, or who are part of the support staff (see definitions).

 Although the Ethical Conduct Review (ECR) process is only applicable to the Bee (R)Evolution Professionals, as is the Commitment, the Bee (R)Evolution staff is committed to ethical conduct and to respect for the fundamental values and ethical principles that underpin this Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics.

 The challenge of working ethically arises from the fact that associates inevitably encounter situations that require answers to unexpected questions, resolution of dilemmas and problem solving.  The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to support people who are subject to it, showing them the variety of ethical factors to consider and helping them to identify alternative ways of approaching ethical behaviour.

The Bee (R)Evolution Professionals who accept the Code of Ethics are firmly committed to being ethical even when this means making difficult decisions or acting courageously.

  • Client - the individual or team/group receiving coaching, the coach receiving mentoring or supervision, or the coach or student coach in training.
  • Coaching - collaborating with clients in a creative process that activates reflection, inspiring them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
  • Coaching relationship - a relationship established between a Bee (R)Evolution Professional and one or more Client(s)/Sponsor(s) through an agreement or contract that defines the responsibilities and expectations of each party
  • Code - The Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics
  • Confidentiality - protection of any information obtained during the coaching assignment unless consent is given to release.
  • Conflict of interest - a situation in which a Bee (R)Evolution Professional is involved in multiple interests and in which respect for one interest may conflict or be in conflict with another. This may be financial, personal or other.
  • Equality - a situation where all people feel included by having access to resources and opportunities regardless of their ethnicity, ethnicity, national origin, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, immigration status, mental and physical ability or other areas of human differentiation.
  • Bee (R)Evolution Professional - people who present themselves as Bee (R)Evolution members or holders of a Bee (R)Evolution credential, in roles that include and are not limited to that of Coach, Coach Supervisor, Mentor Coach, Coach Trainer and Coaching Student.
  • Bee (R)Evolution staff - Bee (R)Evolution support staff who have an employment contract with the company offering professional management and administration services on behalf of Bee (R)Evolution.
  • Internal Coach - a person who is employed within an organization and provides part-time or full-time coaching services to employees of the same organization.
  • Sponsor - the organization (including its representatives) that pays and/or organizes or defines the coaching services to be provided.
  • Support staff - the people who work for the Bee (R)Evolution Professionals in support of their Clients.
  • Systemic equality - gender equality, ethnic equality and other forms of equality that are institutionalised in ethical principles, fundamental values, community structures and cultures, organizations, nations and societies.

The Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics is based on the fundamental values of Bee (R)Evolution and the actions resulting from it. The values are all of equal importance and support each other. They are ambitious values that should be understood as a means to understand and interpret standards. All Bee (R)Evolution Professionals are called upon to show and disseminate these Values in all their interactions.


The following ethical standards apply to the professional activities of the Bee (R)Evolution Professionals:

Section I - Responsibility towards Clients

As Bee (R)Evolution Professional, me:

  1. Before or during the initial meeting, I explain and make sure that my Coaching Client(s) and Sponsor(s) understand the nature and potential value of the coaching, the conditions and limits of confidentiality, the financial agreements, and any other terms of the coaching agreement.
  2. Prior to the commencement of the performance, I enter into an agreement/contract on the roles, responsibilities and rights of all parties involved, together with my Client(s) and Sponsor(s).
  3. I maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all parties as agreed. I am aware of and agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding personal data and communications.
  4. I have a clear understanding of how information should circulate between all parties involved during coaching interactions.
  5. I have clear agreements with Clients, Sponsors or other interested parties regarding the conditions under which the information will not be kept confidential (e.g. in the case of illegal activities, if required by law or pursuant to orders or subpoenas; risk of imminent or probable danger to yourself or others; etc.). Where I reasonably consider one of the above circumstances to be applicable, I may deem it necessary to inform the relevant authorities.
  6. Working as an internal Coach, I manage conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest with my Clients and Sponsors through coaching agreements and continuous dialogue. This also includes the management of organizational roles, responsibilities, relations, documentation, confidentiality and other reporting.
  7. I store, archive and dispose of any documents, electronic files and communications, created during my professional interactions, so as to promote confidentiality, security and privacy, in compliance with all applicable laws and agreements. In addition, I strive to make appropriate use of all new technologies developed for use in coaching services (coaching services by technology) and to be aware of how the various ethical standards apply to them.
  8. I am attentive to signs that may indicate that the value received by the client in the coaching relationship has changed. Should this occur, I will modify the relationship or invite the Client(s) and Sponsor(s) to look for another coach, another professional or to use a different method.
  9. I respect the right of all parties to terminate the coaching relationship at any time and for any reason during the coaching process in accordance with the agreement.
  10. I am aware of the implications of having multiple contracts and relationships with the same Client(s) and Sponsor(s) over the same period of time in order to avoid situations of conflict of interest.
  11. I am aware and actively manage any difference in power or status between the Client and myself, which may be caused by cultural, relational, psychological or contextual issues.
  12. I disclose to my Clients the potential compensation and other benefits I may receive by presenting them to third parties.
  13. I ensure a constant quality of coaching in every relationship, regardless of the amount or form of remuneration agreed upon.

Section II - Responsibility for practice and performance

As Professional Bee (R)Evolution, I:

  1. I adhere to the Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics in all my interactions. When I become aware of a possible violation of the Code on my part or recognise unethical behaviour in another Bee (R)Evolution professional, I respectfully raise the issue with the people involved. If this does not resolve the issue, I report it to a formal authority for resolution.
  2. I ask all support staff to adhere to the Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics.
  3. I am committed to excellence through continuous personal, professional and ethical development.
  4. I am aware of my personal limitations or circumstances that might affect or conflict with my coaching performance or professional coaching relationships. I will seek support to identify actions to be taken and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional guidance promptly. This may include the suspension or termination of my coaching relationship(s).
  5. I resolve any conflict of interest, or potential conflict of interest, by addressing the issue with the parties involved, seeking professional support or temporarily suspending or terminating the professional relationship.
  6. I protect the privacy of Bee(R)Evolution members and use their contact information (e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) only if authorised by Bee(R)Evolution or the Bee(R)Evolution member.

Section III - Responsibility in terms of professionalism

As Professional Bee (R)Evolution, I:

  1. I precisely describe my coaching qualifications, my coaching competence level, my expertise, my experience, my training, my certifications and my Bee (R)Evolution credentials.
  2. I make truthful and accurate verbal and written statements about what I offer as a Bee (R)Evolution Professional, what the Bee (R)Evolution offers, the coaching profession and the potential value of coaching.
  3. I communicate and create awareness towards those who need to be informed about the ethical responsibilities set out in this Code.
  4. I take responsibility for being aware and establishing clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries in regulating interactions, physical or otherwise.
  5. I exclude any form of sexual or emotional involvement with Clients or Sponsors. I am always careful to maintain a level of intimacy appropriate to the relationship. If this is not the case, I will take appropriate steps to resolve the problem or terminate the relationship.

Section IV - Responsibilities towards society

As Professional Bee (R)Evolution, I:

  1. I avoid discrimination while maintaining fairness and equality in all activities and operations, respecting local cultural norms and practices. This includes, but is not limited to, any discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender expression, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability or military status.
  2. I recognize and honor the contributions and intellectual property of others, claiming ownership only of my material. I am aware that failure to comply with this standard may expose me to legal action by third parties.
  3. I am honest and work within recognized scientific standards, applicable guidelines and my own expertise when researching or reporting.
  4. I am aware of the impact I and my Clients have on society. I adhere to the philosophy of "doing what is good" rather than "avoiding what is bad".

As a Bee (R)Evolution Professional, in accordance with the Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics Standards, I recognize and agree to fullfil my ethical and legal obligations towards my Coaching Clients, Sponsors, colleagues and the general public.

If I do not comply with any part of the Bee (R)Evolution Code of Ethics, I accept that Bee (R)Evolution, at its sole discretion, may hold me responsible for such behaviour. I also accept that my responsibility towards Bee (R)Evolution for any violation of the Code may include sanctions, such as the obligation to provide further coaching or other training or the loss of Bee (R)Evolution membership and/or my Credentials.

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